Croatian/Yugoslav Aviation History

Preserving what little’s left

While aviation history has always figured in my work here in one form or another, ever since late 2013 I’ve started devoting much of my Achtung, Skyhawk! time to covering – in some depth – a range of aeronautical topics from the recent histories of both Croatia and ex-Yugoslavia. All of these works include a fair amount of my own original research, often in the form of “picking the brains” of the people directly involved – as well as collecting, collating and sorting through information obtained from various official sources (CAA’s, operators, manufacturers, …) scattered throughout the region. Aiming to provide an accurate as possible account of the machines involved while keeping politics very firmly at bay, these works have so far shown themselves to be popular with my readers, prompting me to pool them in one place for ease of access. Covering topics from the 50s all the way into the 90s, they will hopefully add their tiny bit to preserving the region’s rich, interesting – and often undervalued – aviation heritage…

Civil aircraft:

Military and government aircraft:

Airlines and restorations:

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